What’s your “Compassion +” story?

What's your "Compassion +" story?

What’s your “Compassion +” story?

I had the opportunity to visit the Apartheid Museum while in Johannesburg (Jozi to those in the know ;)) earlier this month. Over dinner, one of my fellow travelers said, “Thank God that Mandela didn’t get the death penalty [at the Rivonia trial] or Apartheid might have lasted another 100 years!”

I was struck by the notion that, while certainly another passionate, smart, influential leader would have come forward to lead the charge, it was Mandela who was uniquely qualified to lead the negotiation and reconciliation of South Africa.

It wasn’t only his incredible intelligence, ability, or resilience that led to the successful end of Apartheid for South Africans, but his Compassion + these talents. It was his compassion for fellow Black Africans that refused to compromise on constitutionally protected equality regardless of race. It was his compassion for white South Africans that compelled reconciliation without malice, guiding all toward a future under one of the most progressive standards of civil liberties in recent times.

Time and again throughout history we note people who appear uniquely qualified for their place and time to lead change. I believe we all have something great to offer the world – but if we are to offer something incredible, enduring – we need to add Compassion.

How can you take Compassion+ all your natural born greatness and build a legacy? What impact can you make if you bring your compassion to bear for all of those involved?